
Today is Day Thirteen of the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. Click on the letter picture to the right for more information about this blog hop. Like last year, I’m writing 100-word flash fiction stories/poems/scenes for this year’s challenge. Today’s is:


The eager faces around the campfire gazed at Professor Andrews. These were primitive people, dressed in loin cloths and beaded necklaces, but their eyes betrayed keen intelligence. He winked at Peterson, then took out his flashlight.


A gasp as a beam of light shot out from the end.


The light vanished.


Light again.


No light.

One of the men spoke; Peterson translated: “They say you’re a magician.”

Andrews smiled.

“You can’t make them think that!” said Peterson, snatching the flashlight and opening the battery hatch. “Look!” he said, “It’s powered by—”

The hatch was empty.


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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10 Responses

  1. FAN-tabulous Colin, Great story.

  2. So he really was a magician then! Nice one Colin.

  3. Ha. Great twist at the end.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee’s Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  4. Hi Colin! This is my first visit to your blog and it’s a great find. I just loved your 100-word flash fiction. Keep up the great writing!

  5. Dena Pawling says:

    Well congrats to YOU for making it half-way thru! I’m getting tired, but I’m determined to finish. Love this story. How you can come up with so many flash fiction stories without even a set of words to start with….. I need those first five words.

    • cds says:

      Keep at it, Dena. I’m really looking forward to your definitions for Q, V, X, and Z! 🙂

      Coming up with 26 words for each story was hard enough! Though for my regular Flash Friday feature, I use a random word generator to come up with five words. That can be… interesting! And sometimes the stories just come fully formed with the word. Other times it takes a while to think of possible scenarios. The story for W didn’t come easily. I chose the word, and it sat for days before I thought of something. And I’m actually quite pleased with how it turned out. There are some good ones coming up over the next couple of weeks–even though I say so myself! The “T” story was one I planned to do last year, but ended up doing something different. 🙂

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