A Writer’s Love Story

The ladies at YA Highway are doing a special Valentine blogfest today, a bit like the Road Trip Wednesday blogfest, but for today it’s a “lovefest.” The idea is for everyone contributing to write a Valentine blog post that is a love note to… anyone or anything they love (spouse, children, sibling, friend, pet, agent, book…).

Mine is somewhat traditional, in that this is about my wife. But with a bit of a twist. I’m not sure she will appreciate this, but as I was thinking about how my wife and I met, got to know each other, and eventually fell for each other, I couldn’t help but be struck by how similar our story is to finding an agent. Yes, you heard right. Bear with me as I tell you our story from the writer’s perspective…

The Query Letter

We met at a Bible study at the beginning of my second year at University. She was a “study abroad” student from the US, and she, along with some other newcomers to the school, came back to my house for tea, coffee, and socializing. There I discovered that the US east and west coasts are a long way from each other, and she had never been to California. Over the course of the year, she baked the most amazing desserts (her monkey bread was a big hit with many people), and made me laugh a lot. I was intrigued to know more…

The Partial Request

As the academic year drew to a close, we started spending more time together. We talked, we watched Monty Python, we shared our likes and dislikes, our past experiences and future hopes. We got to know each other on a much deeper level. And we liked what we found…

The Full Request

We parted on the day after school finished as “an item.” We began our long-distance dating via telephone and letter. Every time the postman dropped letters through the door, I would run to collect them, looking for “Air Mail” written across the front in her distinctive handwriting. Each new communication brought an even deeper level of knowledge and connection. By the time we had completed our degree courses and she was back in the UK, I was sure she was the one for me.

The Offer

If memory serves me well, it was August 7th, 1991 when I “popped the question.” She said yes. On December 14th that same year, we were married. Twenty years and six kids later, she still makes me laugh, and she still makes the best desserts. πŸ™‚


Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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24 Responses

  1. Elodie says:

    Awwwww….This is GREAT Colin! πŸ˜€ It’s funny and adorable, I’m sure your wife would LOVE it πŸ˜€
    Did she read it yet?
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  2. Carrie says:

    This is super sweet. I like how you set this up in writerly terms as well. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  3. MissCole says:

    How sweet! What a lovely story πŸ™‚

  4. Sarah says:

    Okay, this is the loveliest Valentine ever. What an amazing story! And you’re right, the agent-client relationship is a lot like a love story—complicated but amazing! I hope your family has a wonderful Valentine’s Day πŸ™‚

  5. Jaime says:

    So, so sweet πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing yours and the wifey’s love story!

  6. AWWW, I bet she’d like this very much!

  7. The only reason she could not like that is if she rolled her eyes and said, “Not the writing again? Is there no aspect of our lives that is safe from writing metaphors!” My husband would have that thought!

  8. What a love story. Very creative and fun. You two are blessed to have one another!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!


  9. Donelle Lacy says:

    Such a great story. I might not be much for Valentine’s Day myself, but I’m always a sucker for real love stories.

  10. This was the sweetest thing EVER. (And so clever!) I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Sandi Jones says:

    This is brilliant! Great idea.

  12. Liz Parker says:

    What a clever way to tell this story!

  13. Crystal says:

    Aww, super-cute, Colin! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  14. Oh, I have seen so many wonderful romances start at Bible studies. It’s great to hear another story! What a creative and sweet valentine πŸ™‚

  15. such a sweet post! hope you and your wife have a wonderful valentine’s day!

  16. 17178615225177792991 says:

    Monkey bread!!! This is one of the ways my husband reeled me in. πŸ™‚

  17. Aww, this is so very sweet! Thanks for sharing with us πŸ™‚

  18. Kamille says:

    Aww! This is so cute! Thanks for sharing your love story!

  19. Oh my goodness, Colin! This is adorable! Love your writer’s slant on this story, and I imagine your wife does too. Fantastic post!

  20. E.Maree says:

    This is so sweet!
    Speaking of sweet, I googled what ‘monkey bread’ was, and Wikipedia’s pictures have made me hungry. xD

  21. Issy says:

    That is really sweet, Colin! What an adorable and creative way to tell a love story!

  22. cds says:

    Thanks, everyone for your kind words. This was fun, both writing my post and reading all the other posts. I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day!

  23. Robin Moran says:

    Love the way you set this out. Great post!

  24. Clever way and so true of how we writers court our agents. I’ve often heard it said that a writer and the agent are a relationship that mirrors a marriage in many ways.

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