Happy July 4th!

In the past, around this time of year, people would sometimes ask me “do British people have July 4th?”  To which I would reply (being of British origin), “Why yes–often between July 3rd and July 5th.” 🙂  I understand the question, and it really makes as much sense as asking if British people celebrate Thanksgiving.  Of course, it could be argued that everyone–no matter the nationality–should set time aside every year to be thankful for all they have.  But perhaps I will blog on that in November.

Some of my former-fellow-countrymen (I’m a naturalized US citizen now) joke that the British certainly celebrate July 4th–finally being done with those pesky colonists!  Whatever one’s thoughts on the War of Independence–a good thing or a bad thing (yes, some argue it was a violation of Romans 13), I believe that American Independence truly was a gift to the world.  Consider all the positive things that have come about as a result of the United States being allowed to develop as a separate nation: US intervention in WWII, advances in computer technology, a thriving entertainment industry (which certainly has much that is bad, but I defy anyone to name their favorite music, books, movies, or TV shows without something American being in the list), and, at least according to the Constitution of the country, one of the few places left on the planet where people can freely express opinion, practice their faith, run for office, or follow their dreams within the reasonable limits of law and order.  We are blessed.

It is my prayer this July 4th that all that is good and positive about the US will be allowed to flourish.



Colin D. Smith, writer of blogs and fiction of various sizes.

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